How it works

How Acovest Works in 3 Simple Steps:

Explore Opportunities

Sign up and create your Acovest account. Once you're in, you can browse through a diverse selection of income-generating real estate projects. Each project is carefully pre-vetted by our expert team of underwriters to ensure quality and potential for growth.

Invest with Confidence

After finding a project that aligns with your investment goals, you can start investing with as little as $200. Rest easy knowing that your investment is secured by a first-position mortgage on the property, providing added protection. Acovest takes care of all the complexities, making real estate investing hassle-free for you.

Earn Passive Income

Sit back and watch your investment grow! With Acovest, you can earn passive income from your real estate portfolio. As projects generate returns, you'll receive regular payouts, adding to your financial well-being without any active management required.

Join Acovest today and unlock the potential of passive real estate investment for a secure financial future!

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